Industrial colour invention: a comparative analysis from the perspective of the colourist designer


  • Lina Perdomo University Toulouse Jean Jaurès



colourist designer, paint and coatings industry, colour invention, colour communication tools, comparative analysis


In this article a comparative study of two different colour invention processes in the paint and coatings industry from the perspective of the colourist designer is presented.
Our research is based on a thorough analysis of colour communication tools and on empirical data from interviews with actors of two leading companies from Latin America and Europe.
In both processes we find two distinct sets of expertise. In the first one we identified, the primary driving expertise is from the field of engineering and marketing. In the second one, we find the expertise of the colourist designer, from the field of applied arts, supported by marketing considerations in an iterative process.
In our work we study how these different approaches impact the resulting colour palettes, that is, the product ranges reaching the market.
Our results point out an ongoing evolution in the invention of colours, strongly linked to the introduction of the artistic sensitivity of the colourist designer, in an industrial context.

Author Biography

  • Lina Perdomo, University Toulouse Jean Jaurès

    Lina Perdomo - is a colourist designer and PhD candidate at the University Toulouse Jean Jaurès in Toulouse, France. Her research is focused on creative colour development processes in an industrial context from the perspective of the colourist designer applying the approach of poietics and action research.


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How to Cite

“Industrial colour invention: a comparative analysis from the perspective of the colourist designer” (2019) Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science, 11(01), pp. 57–66. doi:10.23738/CCSJ.110107.