A Look into Cross-modal Associations between Taste, Color and Music
Color, measurement, instrumentation, digital, lighting, physiology, psychology, production, restoration, built environment, design, culture, education, communication, marketingAbstract
This paper explores how color and sound can alter taste perception and in particular whether there are any cross-modal associations between these three stimuli. It questions how information from stimuli outside the realms of gastronomy is combined in the brain to influence a person’s taste perception. This study tested how colored ambient lighting and piano music can influence people’s sweet taste; this is the first experiment to study the associations between all three stimuli. The experiment provided some interesting results; most significantly it was found that the color red and high pitch piano music both have a significant impact upon a person’s enjoyment of sweet taste.
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The "Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science" journal is registered at the Court of Milan at n.233 of 24.06.2014.
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