Under the lens of ISLe: Leonardo da Vinci’s "Landscape" drawing analysed by colourimetry


  • Marco Gaiani Department of Architecture, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • Fabrizio Apollonio Department of Architecture, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy




Leonardo da Vinci, Colour analysis, 3D, Antique drawings, Visualisation, MTF, LED light


On the occasion of the fifth centenary of his death, the Museo Leonardiano da Vinci celebrates its anniversary with the exhibition "Leonardo a Vinci. At the Origins of the Genius" which includes the exhibition of the drawing of Landscape, dated August 5, 1473, kept at the GDSU of the Uffizi Galleries in Florence. The University of Bologna has been asked to make a 3D rendering of the drawing that could be used as a substitute, capable of investigating, describing and communicating the drawing, its methods and contents, faithfully reproducing its form, characters and appearance. The answer was the ISLe application, a means of observing and understanding, interpreting and envisioning drawings and therefore able to penetrate the secrets of Leonardo's Landscape. Technically, ISLe aims to provide a unified answer to two distinct and complementary questions: the first is the creation of drawing archives that can accurately describe the information of the original analogical physical system; the second is related to the methods for the collection and rendering of 3D drawings, i.e those systems and techniques that allow for the reproduction and systematically show a perception of the form three-dimensionally thus creating a visual evaluation of the current state of conservation of the drawing, of the superimposed sedimentation and of any restorations received over time. This paper describes the experience and results.

Author Biographies

  • Marco Gaiani, Department of Architecture, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

    Marco Gaiani - Full Professor of Architectural Representation at University of Bologna, Dept. of Architecture, past Director of the INDACO Dept. of the Politecnico of Milano and DAPT Dept. of University of Bologna. A specialist in 3D computer imaging, modelling and visualization for Heritage and archaeology, he was one the first developers/user of laser scanning and automatic photogrammetry technologies in the CH field.

  • Fabrizio Apollonio, Department of Architecture, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

    Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio - Full Professor of Architectural Representation at University of Bologna, Dept. of Architecture, and PhD in Survey of the existing Built Heritage (University of Ancona). His main research topics lies on Virtual reconstruction, semantic modelling and application in the field of ICT to Cultural Heritage and evelopment of information/cognitive systems aimed to fruition, study and documentation of CH.


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How to Cite

“Under the lens of ISLe: Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Landscape’ drawing analysed by colourimetry” (2019) Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science, 11(02), pp. 73–81. doi:10.23738/CCSJ.110208.