Plagiarism policy

The CCSJ discourages any form of plagiarism and duplication of published articles. Our authors must carefully check the content of each article before submitting it to the journal for the peer review process. Authors must forbear from plagiarism and must verify through the use of anti-plagiarism software such as CopyscapeCopygator, Dupli_CheckerIthenticate and Plagiarisma, to verify any possible form of plagiarism, before sending their article to the CCSJ.

The peer review process is the basis for the success of the publication of scientific research. The CCSJ applies a blind review to ensure maximum transparency and fairness of the peer review. The editor-in-chief, the associated editors and all the members of the board, monitor compliance with editorial ethics also to prevent cases of plagiarism. In all countries, plagiarism is prohibited by law and, if recognized, is reported by the editor-in-chief, to the original author damaged by the plagiarism and to the affiliation body of the author who commits the plagiarism. We remind you that plagiarism is considered an academic dishonesty and is subject to sanctions, such as suspension or expulsion from your organization, as well as having other legal sanctions in your country.