Color and material in interior Design of coloring in aspect of didactics Case study “Study of the project of unusual area for playing and relaxation”
Color and design, CMF, Color and education, Psychological aspect of color.Abstract
This project is focused on learning design of colors and implementation CMF in public space, interiors and product, in the cooperation with industry. Students have designed the interior where children and youth were able to read books in small groups, study, relax, conduct therapeutic meetings and carer–ward conversations. Working group were carrying out experiments and used developed methods: describing symbolism and taint (moodboards. graphs, semantics), choice of materials and finishing (CMF), influence and use of taint in interiors (simulation of perception of taint and materials in different light conditions, in Pantone LightBox booth), parametrization of colouring (NCS, Pantone, Ral, CMYK). Choice of colors was elaborated in the process of consultations with experts and psychologists and carried out in the participation process with users of day care center. Beside the color scheme of the room, the idea was to present interesting places in Silesia in order to familiarize young people with history, build identity and community of place as well as spark their imagination. This purpose is served by the wall map and original seats, which present places marked on the map. The added value is presenting students with the opportunity to work with an actual business (textile producer). It should start with technological background, organizing dedicated workshops and consults with textile producer, possibility to work with materials provided by the producer. This implementation was an example of model program of cooperation between higher education representatives and public utility institution.
Zausznica A., Nauka o barwie, PWN Warszawa, pp .357-360, 1959.
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