Colour and emotion: the use of the colours of Lüscher test in the artistic field
Lüscher colours, Kandinskij, colour and culture, colour and artAbstract
The Lüscher colour test was created by the Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher in 1949 and consists of several
coloured patches that can be used to assess the patient's psychological state and profile. The main advantage
of this test is its high usability and trustability.
After a preliminary analysis of using Lüscher colours, we set up a first perceptive test asking 20 subjects to
associate adjectives with Lüscher's colours freely. This first test aims at defining if the basic colour terms
defined by Lüscher and used to create psychological assessments are coherent and consistent in a free termassociation
After this first perceptive test, we integrated Lüscher's basic colours with the ones used by Kandinskij, an artist
who Lüscher's colour theories have strongly influenced. In this second test, we considered both Lüscher and
Kandinskij basic colours. We asked 49 people to associate the colours with specific terms derived from the
Lüscher theory, Kandinskij system and the first test.
From the analysis of these two experiments, it has been possible to demonstrate a strong coherence of
specific colour-terms associations, which are consistent with the introduction of controlled colour shifts, while
other colour-terms associations present a higher variability.
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Oleari C., (2008), Misurare il colore, Fisiologia della visione a colori
Fotometria-Colorimetria e norme internazionali, Hoepli.
Copyright (c) 2023 Giorgia Flaviani, Alice Plutino, Alessandro Rizzi

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The "Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science" journal is registered at the Court of Milan at n.233 of 24.06.2014.
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