




Dear Readers,

While entering the Journal's 11th year, we are glad to announce that the review of our Title is complete and that Cultura e Scienza del Colore – Color Culture and Science Journal has been accepted for Scopus.

In the last two years, the Editorial Team worked hard to improve the quality of the Journal to make it suitable for an internationally recognized database like Scopus. Scopus is Elsevier's abstract and citation database, launched in 2004, and it covers over 36,000 titles from more than 11,000 publishers in top-level subject fields. All journals covered in the Scopus database are reviewed for sufficiently high quality each year according to four numerical quality measures for each Title, like h-Index, CiteScore, SJR, and SNIP.

In the last years, we improved the Journal through different activities. We translated all the Journal's abstracts into English, especially those from the first years, specified the detailed affiliations of the board members and editors, and took different steps to raise the profile of the Journal internationally. In conclusion, we improved citations by other titles currently covered by Scopus (in May 2022, CCSJ citations in Scopus were 4, and in May 2023 were 34). CCSJ's article abstracts reached 1,400 readings (October 2022) and received an average of 29 submissions per year, with an acceptance rate of 54%. The Journal today has more than 180 users, and the numbers are growing.

Now, after the Scopus onboarding process, which will take a few weeks, all the CCSJ contents from 2019 will be included in Scopus (with some possible exceptions). Nevertheless, this step is just the start of a broader process that will raise the profile of CCSJ, and we still need you all to promote our Journal, broadcast the published articles, and be proactive in involving new authors.

In 2019, we moved the journal web management to the Open Journal System (OJS). This allows a better indexing of the published articles and guarantees compatibility with the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Since our start, we have published 15 volumes for 20 issues, adopting the new numbering that publishes one volume per year with two or more issues yearly in 2019. Since 2015, we have applied blind peer review; since 2016, we have introduced the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system. In 2020, we reviewed our archiving policy to guarantee long-term access to our issues, making agreements with the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (BNCF), Italy's main official public library.

Having reached the goal of being in Scopus, we remember that our Journal is also included in other databases: ANVUR, APeJ, BASE, DBH, DOAJ, EZB, and JURN. We also recall the importance of the concept of diamond open access under which our Journal is published: all the published papers are open access, and the Journal is free for readers and authors. This goal is possible thanks to the voluntary work of some members of the Associazione Italiana Colore in the editorial committee. We thank our associate editors and the President of Associazione Italiana Colore, Marcello Picollo. A special thanks goes to Chiara Storti of the BNCF, to Filippo Cherubini of IFAC-CNR, who manages the OJS, and to Andrea Siniscalco, the vice-president of our publishers, for the graphic support. Furthermore, a big thanks goes to the developers of the OJS, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), which is a partnership between the University of British Columbia, the Simon Fraser University, the University of Pittsburgh, the Ontario Council of University Libraries, the California Digital Library and the Stanford University.

Enjoy the reading.

September 2023

The Deputy-Editor
Alice Plutino
University of Amsterdam

The Editor-in-Chief
Maurizio Rossi
Politecnico di Milano


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How to Cite

“Editorial” (2023) Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science, 15(02), pp. 1–6. Available at: https://jcolore.gruppodelcolore.it/ojs/index.php/CCSJ/article/view/355 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).