Queer Futures, Violet Futures: Queer Modernity Symbolism of Violet in West Culture





violet, queer, modernity


I bring together history of arts, gender studies and queer theories to analyse the artistic, cultural and political uses of violet since the discovery of mauvein by William H. Perkin in 1856. Looking back over the last 150 years of the history of violet, I seek to highlight the manner in which this colour has linked modernity and queerness since the late 19th century, when violet tones became an important characteristic of a whole section of fin-de-siècle fashion, painting, and literature. Violet also has a long history with feminisms and queer movements in Europe and North America, from the Suffragettes’ emblem to the non-binary pride flag. Going beyond the visible spectrum, ultraviolet light can also become a metaphor for a “beyond of gender” referring to the end of feminine/masculine and homo-/heterosexual binarisms. Could the colour of the future be violet? And is that future definitely queer?

Author Biography

  • Dr Kévin Bideaux, Université Paris 8

    Kévin Bideaux are an artist-researcher in arts and gender studies, working mainly on colours and gender representations. They won the Institut du Genre prize in 2022 for their doctoral thesis on the cultural and symbolic history of pink, in relation to gender and sexualities. They are now focusing on purple in relation to gender, sexualities and feminist and/or queer struggles.


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How to Cite

“Queer Futures, Violet Futures: Queer Modernity Symbolism of Violet in West Culture” (2024) Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science, 16(02), pp. 118–126. doi:10.23738/CCSJ.160212.