Glazing over grisaille. A multi-band record of pigmented and dyed oil glazes
Glazes, Grisailles, Pigments, Multi-band imaging, colorantsAbstract
The present paper addresses the visual and technical study of historical glazes, both organic and inorganic, applied over monochrome grisaille. These glazes were commonly used in painting between the 15th and 17th centuries. The aim of this work is to record the behaviour of these materials when applied as glazes over grisaille (grey tones underneath), as their diverse nature gives very different results. In order to carry out this evaluation, two mock-up panels were prepared in which a wide range of greys were created using lead white and lamp black in varying proportions.
These grisailles served as a base for the application of 32 glazes made with different pigments, lakes and dyes, allowing for a variety of chromatic nuances that made it possible to evaluate material, visual or perceptual aspects. Along the paper, it is possible to observe how glazes can alter, modulate or accentuate the underlying colour, and vice versa, how the underlying colour can affect the appearance of the glaze (not only in the visible band, but also in the UV and IR bands). These mock-ups were created using already obsolete techniques and materials, with the aim of replicating the painting processes of the 15th to 17th centuries with the greatest possible methodological fidelity. This approach allowed the results of the application of glazes to the underlying grisaille to be evaluated visually and empirically.
The resulting layers of paint were characterised in two ways: by colorimetric measurements and by imaging in the visible, UV and IR bands using a multi-modal approach (VIS, UVL, IR, IRFC). This article is part of a broader research project that includes other works derived from the study of glazes as the focus of its field of study.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aránzazu Llàcer, Serena Hirsch, Maria Antonia Zalbidea-Muñoz, Miquel Angel Herrero-Cortell, Laura Fuster-López

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