The Colored Chemistry


  • David Ajò 1SMATCH Italia, Rome, Italy - Fondazione di Storia ONLUS, Vicenza, Italy
  • Giuseppe Elettivo Sole proprietorship GE Stones, Rose (CS), Italy
  • Federica Fenzi Accademia di Belle Arti, Verona, Italy
  • Stella Nunziante Cesaro SMATCH Italia, Rome, Italy - ISMN-CNR, c/o Dip.Chimica, Università “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
  • Sabrina Tegani SMATCH Italia, Rome, Italy - Sole proprietorship Rialto, Fonte (TV), Italy



Chemistry, Restoration, Gemology, Colored metals, Synthetic materials, Treated materials, Effective Microorganisms


We discuss here materials used in the fabrication of works of art and handicrafts, among them pigments and dyes, gemstones and jewels. Attention is paid to their natural or synthetic origin and possible treatments. Methods of characterization are important not only for historical and restoration purposes and the reproduction of ancient processes, but also for the purposes of new productions. In particular, in the fields of the Effective Microorganisms and metal surfaces coloration, some goals have been reached in this direction due to convergence of different education and research experience of the authors.

Author Biographies

  • David Ajò, 1SMATCH Italia, Rome, Italy - Fondazione di Storia ONLUS, Vicenza, Italy

    David Ajò - Graduated in Chemistry (University of Rome) and Graduate Gemologist (Gemological Institute of America), worked on synthesis and spectroscopic investigations of materials used in works of art and handicraft, as Research Director of CNR (National Research Council, Padua). Fellow of “Fondazione di Storia” ONLUS (Vicenza). Contract professor at the Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, seat of Brescia, 2002- 2011.

  • Giuseppe Elettivo, Sole proprietorship GE Stones, Rose (CS), Italy

    Giuseppe Elettivo - Graduated in Geology at the University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende, CS), specialized in the mineral-petrographic field. Independent gemologist, collaborated with ICIS of CNR (Padua) within a project of the Province of Padua, and taught in the gemology school IRIGEM (Rosà, VI). Expert in estimate and evaluation in jewelry and in the use of precious and non-precious metals.

  • Federica Fenzi, Accademia di Belle Arti, Verona, Italy

    Federica Fenzi - Graduated in Chemistry (University of Padua) she carried out research at CNR (Padua, 2001- 2014), with archaeometric studies on glass, ceramics, bronze, pigments, hydraulic binders, and developing syntheses of eco-sustainable materials for industry and restoration. Since 2013 contract professor of chemistry at the Academy of Fine Arts (Verona) and Santa Paola Institute (Mantua).

  • Stella Nunziante Cesaro, SMATCH Italia, Rome, Italy - ISMN-CNR, c/o Dip.Chimica, Università “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

    Stella Nunziante Cesaro - Graduated in Physics and Chemistry (University of Rome), worked on high temperature systems at the research center ISMN of CNR in Rome. President of the Cultural Association “Scientific Methods Applied to Cultural Heritage” (SMATCH), Rome. Collaborates with the Department of Classics at ‘Sapienza’ (University of Rome).

  • Sabrina Tegani, SMATCH Italia, Rome, Italy - Sole proprietorship Rialto, Fonte (TV), Italy

    Sabrina Tegani - Graduate Gemologist (Gemological Institute of America), she learned gemstones cutting at IRIGEM (Rosà, VI), She worked in the Gemological Education Certification Institute (Milan) as analyst gemologist and gemology educator. Activity in antique and modern jewelry, among the others as rough diamonds analyst and consultant, recently started her business with her sole proprietorship "Rialto".


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How to Cite

“The Colored Chemistry” (2019) Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science, 11(02), pp. 07–13. doi:10.23738/CCSJ.110201.