From Dots to Atoms: “Light and Color’’ Techniques in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries’ Painting


  • Carmen Di Meo Department of European Languages and Culture, Faculteit der Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands



Dots, Illumination, Baldovinetti, Highlights, Attavante, Choir Books, Authorship


The present contribution discusses the latest outcomes of a research in the history and in the criticism of Early Modern Art, with a focus on the development of colored ‘dotted’ patterns. Given that the so-called ‘Primitives’ Tuscan Masters, such as Alesso Baldovinetti and Giovanni di Paolo, were particularly skilled in the use of this peculiar technique, which is found especially embodied in tempera works produced in the course of the fifteenth Century, this research line can be also extended to artistic practices operated in the subsequent Century. In fact, it is possible to establish a ‘European paradigm’ in this regard, and to track the development of dotted techniques also in Cinquecento illumination, whence the presence of such details becomes also a subject in the artistic literature. Artists who have had a central role in the export, and in the development of this ‘style’ (Baldovinetti, Giovanni di Paolo, Attavante, Antonio de Hollanda) will be presented and addressed throughout the present study. Notes and historical fragments will be here discussed for the reading and the analysis of ‘punctuation’ manners, and for a future historical turn in the understanding, and the knowledge of those “raffinate technologies” used for coloring purposes.

Author Biography

  • Carmen Di Meo, Department of European Languages and Culture, Faculteit der Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

    Carmen Di Meo, PhD, is an Art Historian based in The Netherlands. She is currently Course Instructor and Coordinator at the Faculty of Arts, Rijskuniversiteit Groningen. After her PhD (Roma 2017), she has been a Joint Post-Doc Fellow at the Department of Art History in Groningen, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Netherlandish Institute in Florence (2018-2019).


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How to Cite

“From Dots to Atoms: “Light and Color’’ Techniques in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries’ Painting” (2019) Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science, 11(02), pp. 49–62. doi:10.23738/CCSJ.110206.