The contribution of black color to visual rhetoric of Brazilian packaging of hair care products




packaging design, black color, rhetoric, afro-Brazilian, hair care, semiotics


This paper consists of part of the results of a research in the field of packaging and the connotative uses of black color. The aim is to discuss symbolic values that black intends to evoke, beyond the already known concept of luxury and sophistication. The paper is both exploratory and theoretical, because we use rhetoric and semiotic approach to discuss the role of color, image and text in packaging design. Researchers divided the work into two phases. The first one consisted of investigating the possible meanings of black color in the packaging by going to point of purchases and analyzing existent packaging, cataloging them and finding common characteristics. The second phase consisted of a deeper analysis of each new approach found in the first phase. Researchers used semiotics as a theoretical framework to investigate visual rhetoric from the relationship among color, image and text. The discussion presented here consists of the results related to the self-acceptance new approach regarding the use of black color in hair cosmetic packaging.


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How to Cite

“The contribution of black color to visual rhetoric of Brazilian packaging of hair care products” (2021) Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science, 13(01), pp. 70–78. doi:10.23738/CCSJ.130208.